
We are actively involved in the production of innovative materials and tools to collect and share both traditional and scientific knowledge about this extraordinary land.

Management Plans, Environmental Conservation, Wildlife

Framework for the Management of North Slope Muskox

This framework is intended to provide guidance for the management of Yukon North Slope muskox. While this framework references and is informed by management conditions that apply to muskoxen in jurisdictions and areas adjacent to the Yukon North Slope, strategic directions within this framework are aimed more narrowly at the Yukon North Slope and those with direct management responsibilities in the area: Environment Yukon, Parks Canada, the Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope) and the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee.Subsequent to the completion of the framework, the Council and partners developed a muskox research plan for the Yukon North Slope to guide the co-development of knowledge over the coming years.

Type: article

Published: May 2018


Newsletters And News Releases, Wildlife, Traditional Knowledge

WMAC(NS) Polar Bear Traditional Knowledge News Release

Type: pdf

Size: 311.7 KB

Published: Apr 2018


Administrative Reports And Minutes, Organizational Information

Term Report 2003-2005

Type: pdf

Size: 1.19 MB

Published: Mar 2018


Administrative Reports And Minutes, Organizational Information

Term Report 2005-2007

Type: pdf

Size: 1.66 MB

Published: Mar 2018


Project Reports And Publications, Wildlife, Traditional Knowledge

Inuvialuit Traditional Knowledge of Wildlife Habitat, Yukon North Slope

The goal of this study was two-fold: to translate these “western science” ecological landcover classifications into habitat classes recognized by the Inuvialuit who use the Yukon North Slope and to document TK about important habitats used seasonally by each of the seven focal species and by some of the species of special interest.

Type: article

Published: Mar 2018


Administrative Reports And Minutes, Organizational Information

Annual Report 2012-2013

Type: pdf

Size: 4.97 MB

Published: Mar 2018


Presentations Podcasts And Videos, Conference Proceedings

Traditional Knowledge and Co-Management Tribunals

Type: pdf

Size: 1.16 MB

Published: Mar 2018


Administrative Reports And Minutes, Organizational Information

Term Report 2007 - 2009

Type: pdf

Size: 5.26 MB

Published: Mar 2018


Administrative Reports And Minutes, Organizational Information

Term Report 2009-2011

Type: pdf

Size: 2.59 MB

Published: Mar 2018


Fact Sheets And Brochures, Wildlife

Birds of Herschel Island

Type: pdf

Size: 693.45 KB

Published: Mar 2018
