For the future...
Conserving and protecting wildlife, habitat and traditional Inuvialuit use throughout the Yukon North Slope.
What We Do
We conserve and protect wildlife, habitat and traditional Inuvialuit use within the Yukon North Slope. We continue to work with our many partners in support of this unique and important area.

About Us
Our Council is composed of five appointed members, providing advice to the appropriate ministers on all matters related to the conservation of wildlife, habitat and traditional use on the Yukon North Slope. We are proud to share these responsibilities.
Read more about usThe Yukon North Slope
Bridging land and sea at the northern tip of the Yukon Territory, the Yukon North Slope has a rich history as well as an exciting future.
Explore the North SlopeThe Inuvialuit
The Inuvialuit have harvested, traveled, and lived on the Yukon North Slope for generations. They continue to conserve the wildlife and habitat of this unique area through their responsible use and management of its abundant natural resources.
The Land
The Yukon North Slope is a truly special place, representing a diversity of habitat types and embodying a unique wilderness, largely untouched by development.
The Wildlife
The Yukon North Slope is home to a myriad wildlife, from voles (Avingnaq) and snowshoe hare (Ukalliq) to muskox (Umingmak) and polar bear (Nanuq), thanks to the healthy and diverse landscapes of this region.
The Ocean
From travel routes to hunting sites, the ocean (including coastal areas, pack ice, and the Beaufort Sea) plays an important part in the culture and ecology of the region.

Conservation & Management
We are committed to the conservation of the Yukon North Slope through responsible management efforts. Find out what we are doing now - and our plans for the future.
The Living North Podcast is Back!
After a three-year hiatus, we're back with a new episode of the Living North podcast. Since 2011, we've been jumping into conversation with researchers, harvesters, and policy makers to shine a light on conservation and management issues in the North.
Council Meetings
Travel restrictions and safe meeting practices have changed how our Council does its work.
View upcoming meetingExplore Our Resource Library
We have compiled an extensive collection of digital resources related to the wildlife and habitat of the Yukon North Slope, ranging from management plans and research reports to Council minutes and podcasts. You can explore and access all of these resourc
Wildlife Watch Newsletter
Since 1990, we have produced the newsletter "Wildlife Watch". This newsletter serves to inform our audiences about recent activities and areas of interest. You can find our most recent issue here, as well as the complete collection of back issues.