Research Highlights

From song birds soundscapes to shoreline sedimentation, the Yukon North Slope is a hot bed for cutting edge and interconnected research. As our knowledge of this special place expands, we aim to share key projects and finding here. While this is not a comprehensive database of Yukon North Slope research, we hope that communicating findings from diverse fields will sparks collaboration and cross-pollination. If you are a researcher with results to share, please get in touch!

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In addition to collaborating with the academic research community, part of the Council's mandate includes the review of research proposals from partner governments (Government of Canada and Government of Yukon). The Council considers these proposals every fall and then works with the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee to recommend, adjust, or decline submitted projects. Those that have been recommended in recent years include:

  • Assessing the effects of climate-induced variability on the behaviour, distribution and demography of the Porcupine caribou herd (CWS/Parks Canada/Yukon Government)
  • Yukon North Slope Muskox Survey and Research (Yukon Government)
  • Polar Bear Population Estimate (Yukon Government)
  • Wildlife monitoring and Inuvialuit student internship on Herschel Island-Qikiqtaruk Territorial Park (Yukon Government)
  • Investigating Observed Declines in Song Bird Abundance and Species Richness within Ivvavik National Park using Autonomous Sound Recorders (Parks Canada)

Tackling Climate Change on the Yukon North Slope

There are some incredible research programs on the Yukon North Slope exploring how our warming planet is affecting the north. And, there are many keen Inuvialuit observing change in their own backyard. There is still a lot we don't know, though. The Council worked with Round River Conservation Studies to identify key knowledge gaps when it comes to climate change on the Yukon North Slope, culminating in the report Arctic Climate Change Research and Monitoring.

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Muskox Research on the Slope

Muskox are an important part of the Yukon North Slope ecosystem. But, there is still much we don't know about these shaggy, hoofed mammals. New research now underway will shine a light on how muskox interact with other animals, especially caribou, and how they modify the habitat they use.

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18 years of ecological monitoring reveals multiple lines of evidence for tundra vegetation change

Dr. Isla Myers-Smith and TeamShrub have recently published a research paper that explores data from eighteen years of monitoring on Qikiqtaruk-Herschel Island. The results tell an interesting story about a shifting ecosystem in the face of climate change. (Photo: Mariana García Criado and Gergana N. Daskalova)

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Impacts of past and future coastal changes on the Yukon coast...

The Arctic Coastal Erosion Research Group has been working on the Yukon North Slope coastline for many years. New research from this group finds that between the years 2011 and 2100, approximately 850 ha and 2660 ha of YNS coastline may erode, resulting in a loss of 45% to 61% of all cultural features by 2100. The last large, actively used camp area and two nearshore landing strips will likely be threatened by future coastal processes, too.

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