Co-Management Plan for Grizzly Bears

Posted on Feb. 25, 2018

The Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) states grizzly bears in the ISR will be cooperatively managed to ensure that grizzly bears and their habitat are protected and the harvesting rights of Inuvialuit are preserved. In this spirit, many parties, including WMAC(NS), came together to decide how grizzly bears should be management in the region. The Co-Management Plan for Grizzly Bears in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) was first adopted in 1998.  An updated Plan that reflects the changes in the environment and the communities that live alongside grizzly bears.

Goal for managing grizzly bears in the ISR: To ensure long-term sustainable populations of healthy grizzly bears in their historic range, maintain or enhance Inuvialuit traditional use, and promote human safety.

Management Objectives:

  1. Ensure management decisions are informed by the best available information by promoting knowledge collection and exchange. 
  2. Adaptively co-manage grizzly bear populations in accordance with the best available information to meet management objectives.
  3. Maintain current areas of grizzly bear habitat in the ISR amidst change.
  4. Promote human safety by minimizing negative human-grizzly bear interactions and defence of life and property kills.
  5. Work with all co-management partners, governments, communities, and others as needed to address concerns with waste management and negative human-grizzly bear interactions.
  6. Maintain and promote Inuvialuit traditional use of aklat/akhaq.
  7. Manage aklat/akhaq populations on Banks and Victoria Islands to meet the unique management objectives for the region.

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