Wildlife Conservation and Management Plan

The Yukon North Slope Wildlife Management and Conservation Plan is a keystone piece of work for our Council. It offers guidance and information to our Council members, governments, co-management organizations, environmental assessment bodies, Inuvialuit and other Indigenous organizations, and the general public. It also helps to inform research priorities and projects.

The Council is pleased to share a new Yukon North Slope Wildlife Conservation and Management Plan (2023) that incorporates evidence from many years of Inuvialuit knowledge and science studies. Importantly, the Plan reflects the conservation requirements of the Yukon North Slope. Five objectives provide the structure for management guidance.

Objective A: Conservation Framework

Dave Tavares PC Joe Creek Ivvavik

This objective focuses on the conservation framework for the Yukon North Slope. It recognizes the importance of the existing framework (e.g., Ivvavik National Park, Qikiqtaruk Territorial Park, Tarium Niryutait MPA). It also provides context for enhancing this framework in Aullaviat/Anguniarvik.

Objective B: Wildlife on the Yukon North Slope

Jay Fransen PC Bull Caribou Ivvavik

This objective explores ways to conserve wildlife and wildlife habitat, with emphasis on several focal species. Throughout this Objective, the importance of wildlife to Inuvialuit is a central theme. The Plan focuses heavily on how focal species may be impacted as the climate warms.

Objective C: Inuvialuit Traditional Use

Elders in Ivvavik (Parks Canada)

This objective emphasizes the importance of Inuvialuit Traditional Use across the Yukon North Slope, how it can be maintained and enhanced, and the influence of climate change going forward. The continuing relationship between Inuvialuit and this landscape is shared here in maps and words. 

Objective D: Protecting Environment

Summer Grizzly Bear (Mather Expires Oct 2022)

This objective is rooted deeply in the existing protective measures afforded by the IFA, the regulatory regime, and relevant legislation, regulation, and policy. It applies these tools to manage risk to Yukon North Slope ecosystems, including food systems.

Objective E: Evidence in Support of Decisions

Plant Growth Sampling (Isla Myers-Smith)

This objective aims to support decision-making with the best available information, including both Inuvialuit and scientific knowledge. Implementing the Plan will require expanding the knowledge base in a way that is responsible, timely, and inclusive.

Resources Supporting the Plan

Over the past several years, our Council has collaborated with partner organizations to document a significant evidentiary base for the Wildlife Conservation Plan. Both Inuvialuit and Western science knowledge inform the Plan and the priorities and conservation requirements therein. While the Plan is substantive, we couldn't quite squeeze everything in. Supporting information can be found in the resources below. 

Companion Reports to the Plan

Supporting information for the focal species in the Plan, along with a few key issues, can be found in the chapters of the Companion Report. These fourteen chapters provide additional maps, current knowledge on relevant issues, and links to other resources.

Companion Reports

Yukon North Slope Digital Atlas

The digital atlas is comprised of a suite of clickable PDFs: one for each topic or species highlighted in the Plan. The software required to view and interact with them is free and no special GIS skills are needed to use them. You can turn layers on and off, zoom in, and create your own maps, tailored to your needs!

Digital Atlas

Our Land, Our Livelihood

Partnering with Kayla Nanmak Arey and Darcie Ouiyaghasiak Bernhardt, we created a visual companion to many of the Inuvialuit values, perspectives, and concepts that have guided Plan development. In Kayla's word: "These stories share some of the feelings of what it's like to grow up in the ISR, particularly on the North Slope. Inuvialuit are closely linked with the land; it is not just a place, it is where we practice our traditions, and connect with our culture."

The story booklet can be accessed online. A limited number of hardcopies have also be made available in the community of Aklavik.

Story Booklet

Technical Reports

For those looking to delve into the details, we have produced a number of technical reports and research summaries. Included are scientific reports on habitat modelling for moose, geese, and grizzly bear. There are also reports on Inuvialuit Traditional Knowledge of Wildlife Habitat and Inuvialuit Traditional Use of the Yukon North Slope. These documents will be useful for researchers, academics, and others that are interested in building on the knowledge documented throughout our planning process. 

Technical Reports