
We are actively involved in the production of innovative materials and tools to collect and share both traditional and scientific knowledge about this extraordinary land.

Administrative Reports And Minutes, Organizational Information

WMAC(NS) minutes February 1999

Type: pdf

Size: 66.39 KB

Published: Jul 2018


Management Plans, Wildlife, Inuvialuit

Wildlife Conservation and Management Plan (The Land and the Legacy - Taimanga Nunapta Pitqusia) Volume One

Here is volume one of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Plan. It provides an overview of the people and landscape of the Yukon North Slope and sets the stage for volume two.

Type: article

Published: Jul 2018


Administrative Reports And Minutes, Organizational Information

WMAC(NS) minutes June 2005

Type: pdf

Size: 47.67 KB

Published: Jul 2018


Project Reports And Publications, Wildlife, Traditional Knowledge

Aklavik Inuvialuit Describe the Status of Certain Birds and Animals on the Yukon North Slope

Aklavik Inuvialuit shared their knowledge of various wildlife, including the status of certain populations.

Type: article

Published: Jul 2018


Newsletters And News Releases, Wildlife

Wildlife Watch - July 2001

Type: pdf

Size: 240.32 KB

Published: Jul 2018


Fact Sheets And Brochures, Wildlife, Research

Capturing and Handling Grizzly Bears

Type: pdf

Size: 2.03 MB

Published: Jul 2018


Newsletters And News Releases, Wildlife

Wildlife Watch - May 2005

Type: pdf

Size: 822.31 KB

Published: Jul 2018


Newsletters And News Releases, Wildlife

Wildlife Watch - October 1997

Type: pdf

Size: 321.44 KB

Published: Jul 2018


Newsletters And News Releases, Wildlife

Wildlife Watch - June 1993

Type: pdf

Size: 79.05 KB

Published: Jul 2018


Newsletters And News Releases, Wildlife

Wildlife Watch - September 2012

Type: pdf

Size: 6.57 MB

Published: Jul 2018
